When the Night Bird Sings

When the Night Bird Sings
When the Night Bird Sings

When the Night Bird Sings

By Joyce Sequichie Hifler


176 Pages, 5 x 7

Formats: Cloth

Cloth, $19.95 (CA $23.95) (US $19.95)

ISBN 9781571780782

Rights: WOR

Chicago Review Press (Sep 2004)
Council Oak Books

Price: $19.95
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In this charming collection of brief essays, Hifler pays tribute to the simple blessings of daily life and shares the lessons she learned from those who nurtured her during her childhood in Cherokee County. In each small piece, she reflects upon a memory or incident from which she extracts fresh meaning. Planting beans, for instance, prompts a meditation on the unending story of creation.